Meadow One-Act Play has advanced from the district contest!!
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Technology students attended the iDigi Festival at South Plains College on Thursday. Six students entered contest and brought home four silver medals, 1 bronze medal, and one honorable mention. Izaiah Gonzales was also awarded a $500 Graphic Design scholarship!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Bayer
Tattoos for everyone! Graphic art stick on tattoos were a hit!
Students take their first lesson in gaming design.
Graphic art buttons.
SPC student created dune buggy video driving game was one of Jordan's favorite.
Due to forecasted temperatures tomorrow March 5th, Plains has canceled their Jr. High track meet.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Robotics Trial Run
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Robotics Trial Run
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Final Preparation
Congrats to Alicia, she is the division 3 regional powerlifting champion and state qualifier!
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Alicia Sanchez
Due to forecasted weather on Tuesday March 5th, New Home Hs moved their golf tournament to Wednesday, March 6th. It will still be played at Reese.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Track schedules for the Plains track meets on 3/5 and 3/7.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Jr. High
Senior parent meeting Thursday, February 27, in the media center at 6:30.
almost 6 years ago, Sherryll Barclay
The Meadow Bronco cheerleaders for 2019-20 are as follows: Nicole Joplin, Kaziah Morin, Lily Weems, Nyomi Alvarado, Kammi Cavazos, and Emma Jackson. The Bronco mascot is Kaylee Morin. Congratulations to our cheerleaders and a big thank you to all the girls who tried out.
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Schedules for the Loop JH and HS track meets
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
HS Schedule
JH Schedule
The Brocos Love and Appreciate the DPS Protecting School Program
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
DPS Supporting and Protecting Schools
Student Council Leadership Conference at Shallowater
almost 6 years ago, Cassie Britt
Track T-Shirt Orders are Due 2-21-19
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Junior Ring ceremony tomorrow at 2 PM in the gym.
almost 6 years ago, Sherryll Barclay
Kathryn Woodard earned a $500,000 chip today by teaching a lesson to the 6th graders using the Swivl technology to film the lesson. The class used Google Sheets in a cross-curricular lesson with the math class teaching how to find fractions and decimals. Kathryn is our first $1,000,000 teacher!!
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner
6th Grade Tech Apps
Please do not forget that the cheer parent meeting is tonight at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Robotics competition practices have started and students are excited about this year’s challenge - Cruise Control
almost 6 years ago, Kathryn Woodard
Great day at the Seagraves Powerlifting Meet. Alicia Sanchez-1st Kaziah Morin-4th Niko Castaneda-2nd
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Seagraves Powerlifting Meet
Just a reminder that Monday, February 18th is a student holiday. MISD teachers will have a staff development day.
almost 6 years ago, Bric Turner