State Fair 2018
over 6 years ago, Superintendent
Elementary parent/teacher conferences will be held on October 23 from 3:30 until 7. Your child's teacher should be contacting you to set up a time to meet.
over 6 years ago, Dennis Berger
Remember that there is NO school on Friday. Have a great weekend.
over 6 years ago, Dennis Berger
Great job to both Jh teams! Great season!
over 6 years ago, Lacey Guzman
Team Champion!
3rd place team
Congratulations to Kaylee Morin-JV Girls District Champion!!
over 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Kaylee Morin
Great job boys Cross Country, 3rd place team and regional qualifiers
over 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
High School Boys Cross Country
Great season for the Bronco and Lady Bronco Cross Country teams!
over 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
The meet director is saying that the JH meet will start at 3:30.
over 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Meadow ISD is currently advertising for a para professional position. For details of the job description please go to the following link on our website.
over 6 years ago, Superintendent
The HS district cross country meet in Lamesa will start at 1 pm. The JH will start at 4. The course is soggy, but good to go.
over 6 years ago, Bric Turner
Cross Country has been postponed till 1:00 pm. More updates will come soon
over 6 years ago, Superintendent
Jesslyn Luera was the elementary honor student for the first six weeks.
over 6 years ago, Dennis Berger
Second grader Jesslyn Luera was the elementary honor student for the first six weeks. Congratulations Jesslyn!
Mini cheer practice this Wednesday oct 10 from 330 to 430 in carpeted gym. They will get their T-shirt’s on Wednesday! Any questions contact coach guzman or the office
over 6 years ago, Lacey Guzman
Proud of the cross country teams today! Kaleb Sanchez placed 11th and Nick Rodriguez placed 15th! Great jobs Broncos!
over 6 years ago, Lacey Guzman
The game is called off (not rescheduled). All homecoming festivities will be postponed till the Wellman-Union game (including the dance )
over 6 years ago, Superintendent
We are in a lightning delay...admin and coaches will evaluate at 8:00 for an’s been determined if we can’t get the athletes on the field by 8:40 we will cancel.
over 6 years ago, Superintendent
If the game is called we will have a 2 hour Homecoming dance at that time.
over 6 years ago, Bric Turner
As of right now, the timer for lightening detection has reset. I will notify all when we have a better idea of when we will kick-off. Thank you for your support!!
over 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Due to lightening currently in our area, 7:10 is the soonest the teams will be able to take the field for pre-game
over 6 years ago, Brandon Hopper
Congratulations to Riggin Day and his family for winning Reserve Champion Black Cross steer at the Texas State Fair.
over 6 years ago, Tyler Tatum
Great job Riggin